First Presbyterian Church of Merrillville
Monday, March 31, 2025
Go and Make Disciples!
 (at the First Presbyterian Church)
Eleven Stephen Ministers have been trained through the 50 hour required training program and commissioned by the congregation to go forth and care for individuals with all needs, great or small.  These eleven lay ministers were called by God into this caring ministry and are ready to serve this congregation and those who come to us with cares.
Our certified Stephen Minister Leaders are Rev. Paul Anderson and Elder Carolyn Meinbresse who can be reached at the church at 219-736-0707.  If you would like a Stephen Minister to walk with you through a difficult period, please talk to Rev. Paul or Carolyn.
 Stephen Ministers at First Presbyterian:
     Evelyn Elliott
     Cathy Hundt
     Jim Hundt
     Carolyn Meinbresse
     Craig Meinbresse
     Nancy Morosin
     Jim Shimek
     Roxanne Shimek
     Kay Taseff
     April Thorne
     Mary Lynn Wallace
Monthly meetings alternate:
October through May the meetings are Sunday at 10:45am after worship service.
June through September the meetings are the first Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM church office:
Currently the Stephen Ministers are studying the book by Dr. Haugh "Cancer, Now What?".  We are near the end of the book and have found it to contain very useful information on how to minister to people with cancer.